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Thursday, March 30, 2023

G20 edu meet in Bhubaneswar from April 23 to 29

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G20 meetings in Bhubaneswar from April 23 to 29.

    Experts hope the G20 education working Group meeting scheduled to be held here from April 23 will immensely boost International collaboration of institutions in the state and will give a better exposure to students, teachers and institutions.

    Union education ministry sources said the G 20 meeting will focus on bolstering International collaborations during a weeklong deliberation, seminars and exhibitions on sectors like deep-tech on advanced technology in the future of work,transforming logistics and skill architecture and governance models.

          IIT Bhubaneswar director Shreepad Karmalkar said the deliberations on different topics will help Odisha institutions too."It is an occasion for everybody to think about resources,skilling and branding of Odisha.Memoranda of understanding (MoU) will be signed between Indian and foreign institutions.Teachers, students and institutions will get exposure because of such International level meetings," he added.


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IIM Sambalpur director Mahadeo Jaiswal said these meetings will help them to know the best practices followed by countries in the education sector, drawbacks and strong points of Indian institutions."We have collaboration with several institutions of foreign countries.We will invite them to the meet," he added.

     He said they will also come up with a research report to know what the state needs."Though Odisha is rich in mines and minerals,it still cannot compete at the global level.We will deliberate on the reasons behind the problems.We will also help different institutes to build their capacity so that they can become more competitive," he added.

   A vice-chancellor of a state public university said this type of meeting will definitely help the institutes in the state to collaborate with foreign institutions.The institutions here should take benefit of it,he added.


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 IIT Bhubaneswar will be the lead organizer of the meeting.CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT), Bhubaneswar,will be the venue.Different higher education institutes will take part in the meet which will continue till April 29.Around 10 higher education institutions from the state will take care of three districts each.IIT Bhubaneswar will take care of Puri, Khurda and Cuttack,while IIM Sambalpur will look after Sambalpur,Deogarh and Angul districts.

   These institutions and private universities organize debate and other competitions at schools and colleges on different topics related to education.

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