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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What are the Rules Bol Bom Devotees Should Obey During Their Journey to Shiva Temples in India?

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What are the Rules Bol Bom Devotees Should Obey During Their Journey to Shiva Temples in India?


The Bol Bom pilgrimage, a significant spiritual journey for Shiva devotees in India, entails a series of rituals and practices aimed at seeking blessings from Lord Shiva. 

This sacred pilgrimage, undertaken mostly during the month of Shravan, involves devotees carrying holy water from the Ganges River to offer at Shiva temples. 

Adhering to certain rules ensures the sanctity and success of the pilgrimage. Here are the top ten rules that Bol Bom devotees should obey during their journey to Shiva temples in India.

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1. Purity of Mind and Body

The foremost rule for Bol Bom devotees is to maintain purity in mind and body. 

This involves abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and non-vegetarian food. 

Devotees should engage in regular prayers and meditations to keep their minds focused and pure. 

Wearing clean and preferably new clothes during the pilgrimage is also recommended to uphold personal hygiene and spiritual sanctity.

2. Adherence to Celibacy

Celibacy is a crucial aspect of the Bol Bom pilgrimage. 

Devotees, both married and unmarried, should abstain from sexual activities during the period of the pilgrimage. 

This practice is believed to help maintain spiritual focus and purity. 

It is a way to show dedication and respect to Lord Shiva, ensuring that the devotee's mind is free from worldly distractions.

3. Carrying Kanwars with Respect

The Kanwar, a pole with containers at each end used to carry holy water, should be handled with utmost respect. 

Devotees should never let the Kanwar touch the ground. When resting, they must use specific Kanwar stands to place them. 

This rule symbolises the reverence for the holy water meant for Lord Shiva and helps maintain the sacredness of the pilgrimage.

4. Observing Fasting

Fasting is an integral part of the Bol Bom journey. 

Many devotees observe a strict fast, consuming only water or fruit, while others may follow a simpler diet free from grains and cereals. 

This practice of fasting is seen as a means to purify the body and soul, enhancing the spiritual experience and demonstrating devotion to Lord Shiva.

5. Chanting 'Bol Bom' Continuously

The continuous chanting of "Bol Bom" is essential throughout the journey. 

This chant is believed to energise the devotees, helping them remain focused and spiritually connected. 

The collective chanting by groups of devotees also fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose, enhancing the overall spiritual atmosphere of the pilgrimage.

6. Avoiding Footwear

Bol Bom devotees traditionally undertake their journey barefoot. 

Walking barefoot is seen as a form of penance and humility, helping devotees connect with the earth and endure the physical hardships of the pilgrimage. 

It symbolises the devotee's willingness to endure discomfort for the sake of spiritual growth and devotion to Lord Shiva.

 7. Observing Silence During Key Rituals

While chanting is encouraged, observing silence during key rituals and moments of prayer is equally important. 

This practice helps devotees maintain focus and introspection, allowing them to connect more deeply with their spiritual journey. 

Silence during rituals is a mark of respect and concentration, ensuring that the prayers and offerings are made with complete devotion.

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8. Maintaining Cleanliness of Pilgrimage Route

Devotees must ensure that the pilgrimage route remains clean. 

This involves not littering and properly disposing of waste. 

Many groups organise cleanup drives along the route to ensure that the natural beauty and sanctity of the pilgrimage path are preserved. 

This practice aligns with the principle of "cleanliness is next to godliness," reflecting respect for the environment and fellow pilgrims.

9. Helping Fellow Devotees

The spirit of camaraderie is essential during the Bol Bom pilgrimage. 

Devotees should assist each other, whether by sharing water, food, or providing medical aid. 

Helping fellow pilgrims fosters a sense of community and mutual support, ensuring that everyone completes their journey safely and with minimal hardship. 

This rule highlights the importance of compassion and collective well-being.

10. Respecting Local Customs and Traditions

Devotees should respect the customs and traditions of the regions they pass through. 

This includes seeking permission for rituals and following local guidelines. 

Respecting local traditions helps maintain harmony and ensures that the pilgrimage is conducted in a manner that is respectful to the communities and cultures along the route. 

It is a way to honour the diverse cultural heritage of India and the shared spiritual journey.

Detailed Exploration of Each Rule

Purity of Mind and Body

Maintaining purity in mind and body is not just about abstaining from certain substances or activities; it involves a holistic approach to spiritual preparation. 

Devotees often engage in additional practices such as reading scriptures, listening to devotional music, and participating in group prayers. 

This comprehensive approach to purity helps create a serene and focused mental state, essential for a successful pilgrimage.

Adherence to Celibacy

The practice of celibacy during the Bol Bom pilgrimage is deeply rooted in the belief that sexual energy, when conserved, can be transformed into spiritual energy. 

This transformation is thought to enhance the devotee’s spiritual awareness and connection to Lord Shiva. 

Many devotees also practise celibacy in the days leading up to the pilgrimage to prepare mentally and physically for the journey.

Carrying Kanwars with Respect

The Kanwar, often decorated with flowers and religious symbols, becomes a sacred object during the pilgrimage. 

The rule of not letting the Kanwar touch the ground signifies the reverence for the holy water it carries. 

Devotees often perform small rituals before lifting the Kanwar, invoking blessings for a safe and successful journey. 

This practice enhances the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage, turning it into a deeply personal and sacred endeavour.

Observing Fasting

Fasting during the Bol Bom pilgrimage is more than a physical challenge; it is a spiritual discipline. 

Different devotees observe different types of fasts, from complete abstinence to consuming only certain types of food. 

The common thread is the focus on self-discipline and purification. Fasting is believed to cleanse the body of toxins and the mind of impurities, creating a heightened state of spiritual receptivity.

Chanting 'Bol Bom' Continuously

The chant "Bol Bom" is not just a vocal exercise but a spiritual mantra. 

The sound vibrations created by this chant are believed to resonate with the spiritual energies of the devotees, enhancing their focus and endurance. 

The continuous chanting also creates a rhythmic pattern that synchronises with the walking pace of the pilgrims, helping them maintain a steady and determined pace throughout the journey.

Avoiding Footwear

Walking barefoot is an age-old tradition in many religious pilgrimages, symbolising humility and penance. 

For Bol Bom devotees, it is a way to physically and mentally immerse themselves in the pilgrimage experience. 

The rough terrain and varying weather conditions test the devotees’ endurance, reinforcing the spiritual significance of their journey. 

This practice also reflects a deep connection with the earth, grounding the devotees in their spiritual quest.

Observing Silence During Key Rituals

Silence during key rituals allows devotees to internalise their spiritual experiences. 

This practice encourages mindfulness and introspection, essential elements for a meaningful pilgrimage. 

Moments of silence are often observed during sunrise and sunset prayers, when the natural environment adds to the spiritual ambiance. 

This practice helps devotees reflect on their journey, their intentions, and their devotion to Lord Shiva.

Maintaining Cleanliness of Pilgrimage Route

Environmental consciousness is an important aspect of the Bol Bom pilgrimage. 

Devotees are encouraged to carry reusable containers for water and food, minimising waste. 

Cleanup drives and awareness campaigns are often organised by local communities and pilgrimage groups, emphasising the importance of maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. 

This practice not only preserves the natural beauty of the pilgrimage route but also instil a sense of responsibility and respect for the planet.

Helping Fellow Devotees

The sense of community and mutual support is a hallmark of the Bol Bom pilgrimage. Devotees often form groups, sharing resources and looking out for each other. 

This collective spirit ensures that no one is left behind and that everyone has a positive pilgrimage experience. 

Acts of kindness and support, such as sharing food or offering a helping hand, enhance the spiritual bond among devotees and create a supportive and caring environment.

Respecting Local Customs and Traditions

Respecting local customs and traditions is crucial for maintaining harmony and ensuring a positive pilgrimage experience. 

Devotees should be mindful of the cultural norms and practices of the regions they pass through, seeking permission for rituals and ceremonies when necessary. 

This practice fosters mutual respect and understanding, ensuring that the pilgrimage is conducted in a manner that honours the diverse cultural heritage of India. 

It also helps build positive relationships with local communities, enhancing the overall experience for everyone involved.


The Bol Bom pilgrimage is a profound spiritual journey that requires devotion, discipline, and respect for traditions. 

By adhering to these ten rules, devotees can ensure that their journey is meaningful, respectful, and spiritually enriching. 

These practices not only enhance the personal spiritual experience of each devotee but also contribute to the collective sanctity and success of the pilgrimage. 

Whether you are a seasoned pilgrim or a first-time participant, following these guidelines will help you connect deeply with the divine and make your Bol Bom pilgrimage a truly transformative experience.

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