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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Top 20 places in India where women face reservation challenge.

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Top 20 Places in India Where Women Face Reservation Challenges


India has made significant progress in women empowerment and gender equality over the years. 

However, there are still certain regions where women face challenges in gaining reservation. 

In this article, we will explore 20 places in India where women encounter obstacles in accessing reservation opportunities. 

This article aims to shed light on the existing gaps and promote dialogue to ensure equal opportunities for all.

1. Nagaland: 

In Nagaland, the traditional patriarchal society limits women's participation in politics. This restricts their chances of gaining political reservations.

2. Lakshadweep: 

While reservations exist for women in various sectors, Lakshadweep faces limited opportunities due to its geographical constraints and lack of infrastructure.

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3. Arunachal Pradesh: 

Despite their huge contribution to the social and economic sectors, women in Arunachal Pradesh are underrepresented in politics and face reservations challenges.

4. Goa: 

Goa is known for its tourism, but women often face a lack of representation in the decision-making process, limiting their access to reservation benefits.

5. Meghalaya: 

Women in Meghalaya are underrepresented in politics, partially due to existing social norms and gender biases.

6. Puducherry: 

In Puducherry, women face challenges in areas such as education and healthcare, leading to limited access to reservation opportunities in various sectors.

7. Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 

The remote location and lack of resources in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands make it difficult for women to access reservation benefits.

8. Himachal Pradesh: 

Despite being a progressive state, women in Himachal Pradesh face challenges in terms of representation and access to reservations in various fields.

9. Jammu and Kashmir: 

The conflict-affected region of Jammu and Kashmir makes it difficult for women to access opportunities, including reservations.

10. Sikkim: 

Women in Sikkim face limited access to reservation benefits due to cultural factors and traditional gender roles.

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11. Uttarakhand:

 While reservation policies exist, women in Uttarakhand still face challenges in gaining equal representation, particularly in politics and decision-making positions.

12. Mizoram: 

In Mizoram, women face challenges due to cultural norms, limiting their opportunities for reservations in various sectors.

13. Gujarat: 

Despite its industrial growth, women in Gujarat face challenges in gaining representation and accessing reservations, especially in rural areas.

14. Haryana: 

Despite efforts to promote women's empowerment, Haryana still struggles with gender inequality, impacting women's access to reservation benefits.

15. Punjab:

 In Punjab, women face challenges, particularly in rural areas, in accessing reservations due to cultural norms and societal expectations.

16. Madhya Pradesh: 

Although reservations exist, women in Madhya Pradesh face challenges in accessing and benefiting from these opportunities due to patriarchal norms and gender biases.

17. Rajasthan: 

Rajasthan faces challenges in terms of gender equality and women's empowerment, hindering women's access to reservations.

18. Odisha: 

Despite progress in some areas, women in Odisha still face restrictions and challenges in accessing reservation benefits.

19. Maharashtra: 

While Maharashtra has made strides in women empowerment, challenges persist in terms of political representation and access to reservations.

20. Bihar: 

Women in Bihar encounter numerous obstacles, such as poor education and limited resources, which restrict their access to reservation opportunities.


While India has implemented reservation policies to bridge the gender gap, it is essential to address the challenges faced by women in numerous regions. 

By recognizing these hurdles and promoting dialogue, policymakers, communities, and individuals can work together to ensure equal opportunities for all. 

Through education, awareness, and empowerment initiatives, we can strive towards creating an inclusive society where women have access to reservations in every corner of the country. 

It is imperative to continue advocating for gender equality and empowering women in order to foster a thriving and equitable society overall.

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