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Monday, September 25, 2023

Low percentages of women representation in Indian state assemblies.

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Low Percentages of Women Representation in Indian State Assemblies . 


Women's representation in politics is a crucial indicator of a nation's progress towards gender equality. 

While India has made significant strides in various sectors, there is still a long way to go in terms of equal political representation. 

In this article, we will explore the top 20 states in India with a low percentage of women representation in their state assemblies. 

By shedding light on this issue, we hope to stimulate discussions and actions towards achieving better gender parity in political leadership.

1. Bihar:

Bihar ranks among the states with the lowest percentage of women representation in the state assembly. 

With only a meager 15% representation, efforts are required to ensure that women's voices are adequately represented in the political landscape of the state.

2. Rajasthan:

Despite its rich cultural heritage, Rajasthan lags behind in women's participation in its state assembly. 

With only 14% representation, the state needs to enhance its efforts to promote gender equality in politics.

3. Uttar Pradesh:

As one of the most populous states in India, Uttar Pradesh faces significant challenges in achieving gender parity in its state assembly. 

With a mere 13% representation, strategies need to be implemented to encourage more women to participate in politics.

4. Gujarat:

Gujarat, despite its economic growth, struggles to ensure sufficient women's representation in the state assembly. 

With only 12% representation, the state needs focused initiatives to overcome patriarchal barriers that hinder women's political participation.

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5. Maharashtra:

Maharashtra, home to India's financial capital, Mumbai, falls short when it comes to women's representation in politics. 

With 11% representation, there is a need for concerted efforts to provide equal opportunities for women to participate in decision-making processes.

6. Jharkhand:

Jharkhand, known for its mineral-rich resources, faces a significant gender disparity in its state assembly.

 With only 11% representation, it is essential to address social and cultural barriers to create an enabling environment for women's political engagement.

7. Madhya Pradesh:

Madhya Pradesh, located in central India, struggles with gender representation in its state assembly. 

With a meager 10% representation, there is a pressing need for comprehensive strategies to encourage and empower more women to enter politics.

8. Haryana:

Despite being one of the more developed states in India, Haryana faces considerable challenges in women's political representation. 

With only 9% representation, steps must be taken to dismantle societal norms and provide equal opportunities for women in politics.

9. Rajasthan:

Rajasthan, known for its rich cultural heritage, falls behind concerning women's representation in its state assembly. 

With only 8% representation, targeted measures are needed to address the gender gap and create a more inclusive political environment.

10. Tamil Nadu:

Tamil Nadu, despite its strong social justice movement, struggles with gender parity in its state assembly. 

With a mere 8% representation, there is a need for increased efforts to ensure equal participation and representation of women in politics.

11. Karnataka:

Karnataka, home to major technological hubs, faces challenges in women's political representation. 

With only 7% representation, specific policies and programs need to be implemented to encourage women's involvement in decision-making processes.

12. Assam:

Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, needs to enhance its efforts in promoting women's political participation. 

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With only 6% representation, there is a need to address cultural and social barriers to empower women in the political realm.

13. Odisha:

Odisha, known for its diverse culture and natural beauty, struggles with women's representation in its state assembly. 

With just 5% representation, there is an urgent need to promote greater participation of women in politics, ensuring their voices are heard.

14. West Bengal:

West Bengal, despite its rich history and cultural heritage, faces significant challenges in women's political representation. 

With only 5% representation, concerted efforts are necessary to dismantle barriers and strengthen women's participation in politics.

15. Telangana:

Telangana, a newly formed state, grapples with the issue of women's representation in its state assembly. 

With only 4% representation, it is essential to implement targeted policies and initiatives to foster gender equality in politics.

16. Goa:

Goa, known for its scenic beauty and tourism industry, struggles with women's political representation. 

With only 4% representation, there is a need to create an environment that encourages and enables more women to participate in politics.

17. Andhra Pradesh:

Andhra Pradesh, a state with a rich cultural heritage, has a long way to go in promoting women's political representation. 

With a mere 3% representation, it is imperative to take proactive measures to address gender disparities and empower women in political leadership.

18. Punjab:

Punjab, known for its vibrant culture and agricultural economy, faces challenges in promoting women's political participation. 

With only 3% representation, there is a crucial need for targeted initiatives to encourage more women to engage in politics.

19. Kerala:

Kerala, often lauded for its high literacy rate, grapples with gender disparity in its state assembly. 

With only 3% representation, efforts must be made to challenge patriarchal norms and create a more inclusive political environment.

20. Meghalaya:

, a northeastern state known for its picturesque landscapes, faces significant challenges in women's political representation. 

With only 1% representation, there is an urgent need for comprehensive measures to address gender imbalances and ensure equal political opportunities for women.


Promoting women's political representation is essential for achieving gender equality and fostering inclusive governance. 

The states mentioned above, with their low percentage of women representation in their respective state assemblies, must recognize the urgency of addressing this issue. 

Implementing targeted initiatives, such as quotas, empowerment programs, and awareness campaigns, can help bridge the gender gap in political leadership. 

Only by including women's perspectives and experiences in decision-making processes can India move towards a more equitable and progressive society.

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