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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Bengaluru is best for education and a great career as well.

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Bengaluru is best for education and a great career as well.


Bengaluru has the advantage of a rich heritage, cosmopolitan culture and salubrious climate and is considered a multi-linguistic place, students across the country view Bengaluru as full of opportunities to make a career. The fact that more than 65% of Bengaluru's population consists of migrants from other States is an indication of its cultural diversity.

     " Someone who is educated in Bengaluru can carve an identity for themself. The accommodative nature and respect for other languages and ethnicity have made Bengaluru a melting pot of ideas and culture. A haven for start-ups and Fortune 500 companies, Bengaluru invariably is the best city in India for education and a great career as well," says Amrita Gupta, a  higher education counsellor.


 Bengaluru is credited with more than 125 R&D centers in the field of core engineering, information technology, basic and applied sciences and aerospace to name a few Major Indian and foreign IT and manufacturing companies that have their R&D centers here. It is also known as a health tourism centre with state-of-the-art hospitals of international repute catering to patients from across the nation and abroad as well.

    The list of the city's top educational institutions is rather long and one which boasts of national-level institutions in almost every discipline including health, management, Science & Technology, law, social science, education, linguistics as well the existence of an IIM, IISc, IIT, TIFR, National Law School and Nimhans. The city is also credited with more than 125 R&D centres in the field of core engineering, information technology, basic and applied sciences and aerospace. The faculty in these institutions are known for their competence. Students passing out of these institutions are geared for a better career with the skill sets they acquire. Bengaluru's top-notch educational institutions will not disappoint. At the graduation level, colleges offer a wide spectrum of courses from biotechnology to genetics, electronics, statistics, fashion and apparel design, computer applications, hotel management, law, nursing, media and communication and family business.


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      At the post-graduation level, colleges offer courses from the traditional to the new from physics, chemistry, math, commerce, geography, history, psychology, economics, and sociology, to MCA, Master in Tourism Administration, Master of Social Work, and MS in Communications to name a few.


       "Bengaluru has been seen as a preferred destination for higher education since the early 1970s. Initially, it was for school education which slowly transformed itself into a preferred educational hub. Many reasons Could be attributed but one single factor that stands out is its cosmopolitan profile and salubrious climate. The presence of a large number of public schools, state private universities and deemed to be universities offering a wide range of employability-centric programmes, delivered by highly accomplished members of the teaching fraternity has only to the city's allure as a hub of education," says Shrieks George, a professor.


Dr K N B Mirth y, vice chancellor of a well-known university, says, "Bengaluru is considered by many as the Silicon Valley of India, with the humongous number of IT companies that operate there. It is the city that conducted a plethora of meetups, hackathons, and other events all around the year. Venture capitalists and angel investors are relatively easy to find in the city, given the innovations and start-ups which are coming up."


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      Apart from contributing to a third of IT exports in India, industrial areas around the city offer opportunities for aerospace, defence, retail biotechnology, electronics manufacturing, machinery and automobiles. Availability of renowned higher education institutions, abundant poorer unified for jobs/placements as well as internships/training, availability of cost-effective accommodation, affordable as well as safe transport facilities, availability of facilities for sports as well as cultural activities at both basic and professional level makes Bengaluru ad one of the top educational hubs in India,' Dr Mirth y adds., pub-4057852254071953, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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