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Monday, April 3, 2023

A National Digital Library for Children.

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A National Digital Library for Children.

   The biggest ever budgetary allocation of nearly Rs1.13 lakh crore on education looks at tapping emerging potential in Artificial intelligence and 5G technology as well as skilling the young population to generate employable resources for the new markets.

     The Centre is also proposing a National Digital Library for children and adolescents to facilitate availability of quality books across geographies, languages,genres and levels and device-agnostic accessibility,as well as physical libraries at panchayat levels to mitigate the learning loss in the wake of the pandemic.

   Big consolidation in medical education is also expected with the proposed 157 new nursing colleges in co-location with the existing 157 medical colleges established since 2014.

     The education budget for 2023-24 is an increase of Rs 13,018 crore from the current fiscal, with Rs 38,953 crore being set aside for the core National Education Mission.The estimated expenditure on education by the Centre would be 2.5%of total allocations.

    The government announced setting up of three centers of excellence for Artificial Intelligence in top educational institutions for realizing the vision of "Make Al in India and Make A I work for India," where leading industry players will partner in conducting interdisciplinary research and develop cutting-edge applications.Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also proposed establishment of 100 5G laboratories in engineering colleges.

    "To realize the new range of opportunities, business models and employment potential,the labs will cover,among others, applications such as smart classrooms, precision farming, intelligent transport systems and healthcare applications,"she said.


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More than 38,000 teachers and support staff will be recruited in the next three years for 740 Eklavya Model Residential Schools serving 3.5 lakh tribal students,she said.

  The government is also looking at consolidation of its effort in access; infrastructure development and quality education as it now plans to roll out 'Aspirational Blocks programme ' in 500 blocks for saturation of essential government services across multiple domains such as health, nutrition, education and culture.


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Sitharaman also announced that teachers training will be re-envisioned through innovative pedagogy, curriculum transaction,continuous professional development dipstick survey and ICT implementation.

   "Lab grown diamonds is a technology and innovation driven, energy driven sector with high employment potential.To encourage indigenous production of such diamonds,a research grant will be provided to one of the IITs for five years," she said.

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