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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Odisha ranked second position in control of tuberculosis cases.

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Odisha ranked second position in control of tuberculosis cases.

     The battle to control tuberculosis cases in Odisha got a shot in the arm after a latest report ranked the state in second position in the country for its efforts towards eliminating the disease in states with more than 50 lakh population.

    The India TB report 2023 released by Centre ,showed Himachal Pradesh on top.Last year,Odisha was on third spot in TB-elimination activities.The state has improved significantly in increasing screening of suspected TB patients with the annual screening number crossing 12 lakh in 2022 from just 2.6 lakh in 2018.Niranjan Mishra, director of public health said they have plans to add TB-PCR and CB-NAAT test in all the 314 blocks of the state so that TB screening is done at the micro level.

     "The vulnerable groups will be identified; testing will be done faster and the positive cases will be the under watch of surveillance teams so that don't drop out of the full course of six months of treatment.We are not leaving anyone with symptoms and bringing him or her under the standard treatment module,"said Mishra.


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Mishra said every positive patient brought under surveillance is medicine free of cost for full course of six months and Rs 500 for six months (in case of new patient) for maintaining nutrients in the body and not restore the body's weight.For patients having relapse of TB,they are given free medicine for a year and financial assistance for nutrition supplements.


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The state has not surveyed break up of the TB positive cases in given year in rural and urban areas,but officials certainly say rural population will be more.For example,out of 12 lakh people screened in 2022,60,000 were TB positive.Those cases came to fore through surveillance by Asha and Anganwadi workers.So, the lion share TB positive cases in from rural belt."We keep special surveillance of the HIV positive persons as it is they who are likely to get TB because of low immunity.Besides other high risk groups are people with diabetes and blood pressures,"said Mishra.

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