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Friday, August 16, 2024

Why is BAMS better than BDS?

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Why is BAMS better than BDS?


The field of medical education in India offers a range of specialised courses catering to different branches of medicine. 

Among these, the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) are two popular choices for students who aspire to build careers in healthcare. 

While both courses have their own merits, BAMS stands out due to its holistic approach, cultural relevance, and growing acceptance worldwide. 

This article delves into the top ten positive aspects of BAMS courses that make them a superior choice over BDS courses in India.

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1. Holistic Approach to Healing

Ayurvedic Foundation:

BAMS is rooted in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine that emphasises the balance between mind, body, and spirit. 

Unlike BDS, which focuses primarily on dental health, BAMS provides a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the overall well-being of the patient.

Comprehensive Understanding of the Human Body:

BAMS students are trained in both modern medicine and traditional Ayurvedic practices, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the human body. 

This dual knowledge system allows practitioners to treat a wide range of ailments and conditions, making them versatile healthcare providers.

Mind-Body Connection:

Ayurveda recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body, promoting mental health alongside physical health. 

This holistic perspective is increasingly valued in today’s healthcare environment, where stress-related and psychosomatic disorders are on the rise.

2. Cultural Relevance and Traditional Wisdom

 Indigenous Medical System:

Ayurveda is India’s indigenous medical system, deeply embedded in the country’s cultural and historical heritage. 

Pursuing a BAMS course connects students with this rich tradition, making them custodians of ancient wisdom.

Sustainability and Natural Remedies:

Ayurveda emphasises the use of natural remedies, herbs, and sustainable practices in treatment. 

This aligns with the growing global trend towards eco-friendly and sustainable healthcare solutions, giving BAMS graduates an edge in the evolving medical landscape.


Cultural Acceptance:

The familiarity and trust that the Indian population has with Ayurveda make BAMS practitioners highly respected and sought-after in both urban and rural settings.

3. Wide Scope of Practice

 Versatility in Treatment:

BAMS graduates are trained to treat a variety of conditions ranging from chronic illnesses to lifestyle disorders, something that is often beyond the scope of BDS graduates who are limited to dental and oral health.

Rural Healthcare Opportunities:

With a strong understanding of traditional medicine, BAMS practitioners are better equipped to serve in rural and remote areas where access to modern medical facilities may be limited. 

Their ability to treat a wide range of conditions makes them invaluable in these settings.

Alternative Therapies:

BAMS practitioners can also offer alternative therapies such as Panchakarma, Yoga, and meditation, which are increasingly popular both in India and abroad.

4. Growing Demand for Ayurveda Globally

International Recognition:

Ayurveda is gaining recognition globally as an effective alternative medical system. 

Countries like the USA, Germany, and Australia are witnessing a surge in demand for Ayurvedic treatments, opening up international opportunities for BAMS graduates.


Ayurvedic Tourism:

India is becoming a hub for Ayurvedic tourism, attracting people from all over the world seeking holistic and natural treatments. 

BAMS graduates have the opportunity to work in Ayurvedic resorts, wellness centres, and spas, catering to this growing segment of health tourism.

Collaborations with Modern Medicine:

There is an increasing trend of integrating Ayurveda with modern medicine, particularly in treating chronic diseases and lifestyle disorders. 

BAMS graduates are at the forefront of this integration, working alongside allopathic doctors to provide comprehensive care.

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5. Diverse Career Opportunities

 Clinical Practice:

Like BDS graduates, BAMS graduates can set up their own clinical practice. 

However, their broader scope of treatment and holistic approach often make them more appealing to patients looking for comprehensive care.

Research and Development:

The global interest in Ayurveda has led to increased funding and opportunities in research and development. 

BAMS graduates can contribute to the development of new herbal medicines, treatments, and wellness products.

Government and Private Sector Jobs:

There are numerous opportunities for BAMS graduates in both the government and private sectors. 

They can work in government hospitals, Ayurvedic pharmacies, research institutes, and wellness centres, or even pursue careers in medical writing and education.

6. Lower Competition for Admission

Less Competitive Entrance Exams:

The competition for admission into BAMS courses is generally lower compared to BDS courses. 

This means that students with a strong interest in medicine, but who may not have the highest entrance exam scores, still have a good chance of securing a seat in a reputable BAMS college.

Diverse Pool of Applicants:

The lower competition does not mean lower standards; rather, it reflects the unique appeal of Ayurveda. 

Students from various academic backgrounds, who are passionate about holistic healing, are attracted to BAMS, enriching the learning environment.

More Availability of Seats:

With a growing number of institutions offering BAMS courses across India, there are more seats available, reducing the pressure on students during the admission process.

7. Long-Term Career Stability

Evergreen Demand for Ayurveda:

The demand for Ayurvedic practitioners is expected to grow as more people seek natural and holistic treatments. 

This ensures long-term career stability for BAMS graduates, as opposed to the fluctuating demand for dental professionals.

Integration with Mainstream Healthcare:

As Ayurveda becomes increasingly integrated with mainstream healthcare, BAMS practitioners will continue to play a crucial role in both public and private health sectors, ensuring a stable career path.

Opportunities for Further Education:

BAMS graduates have the opportunity to pursue higher education in various specialisations such as Kayachikitsa (General Medicine), Shalya Tantra (Surgery), and Stri Roga (Gynecology), further enhancing their career prospects.

8. Lower Cost of Education

Affordable Tuition Fees:

The tuition fees for BAMS courses are generally lower compared to BDS courses, making it a more affordable option for students. 

This is especially beneficial for students from economically weaker sections who are looking for quality education without incurring massive debt.

Scholarships and Financial Aid:

There are various scholarships and financial aid options available for BAMS students, particularly from government bodies promoting traditional medicine. 

This financial support makes pursuing a BAMS degree even more accessible.

Cost-Effective Education:

In addition to lower tuition fees, the cost of education in terms of books, materials, and practical training is often lower in BAMS courses compared to BDS courses, making it a cost-effective choice for aspiring healthcare professionals.

9. Community-Oriented Practice

Focus on Public Health:

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on preventive healthcare and community health. BAMS graduates are trained to educate communities about healthy living, diet, and lifestyle, making them key players in public health initiatives.

Involvement in Rural Health Programs:

The Indian government promotes Ayurveda as part of its rural healthcare programs. BAMS graduates are often involved in these initiatives, providing healthcare services in remote areas and contributing to the overall improvement of public health.

Social Responsibility:

The focus on community and preventive healthcare fosters a sense of social responsibility among BAMS graduates, who are often driven by the desire to contribute to the welfare of society.

10. Integration with Modern Technology

 Digital Ayurveda:

The rise of telemedicine and digital healthcare platforms has opened new avenues for BAMS practitioners. 

They can now offer consultations and treatment plans online, reaching a wider audience and making Ayurveda more accessible.


Ayurvedic Apps and Platforms:

There is a growing number of apps and platforms dedicated to Ayurveda, where BAMS graduates can share their knowledge, offer consultations, and sell Ayurvedic products. 

This integration with technology provides additional income streams and career opportunities.


Innovations in Ayurvedic Treatments:

Advances in technology have led to innovations in the production and delivery of Ayurvedic treatments. 

BAMS graduates can be at the forefront of these developments, combining traditional wisdom with modern techniques to offer improved healthcare solutions.


In conclusion, while BDS courses offer specialised training in dental surgery, BAMS courses provide a broader, more holistic approach to healthcare that is deeply rooted in India’s cultural heritage. 

The growing global acceptance of Ayurveda, the wide scope of practice, and the diverse career opportunities available to BAMS graduates make this course a compelling choice for students. 

Additionally, the lower cost of education, long-term career stability, and integration with modern technology further enhance the appeal of BAMS over BDS courses in India. 

For students passionate about holistic healing and interested in a career that combines ancient wisdom with modern healthcare, BAMS is undoubtedly a better choice.

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