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Monday, June 3, 2024

Which are the Reservations Required for NEET Admission?

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Which are the Reservations Required for NEET Admission?


The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the most competitive and significant examinations for aspiring medical students in India. 

With millions of candidates vying for limited seats in medical and dental colleges across the country, understanding the reservation policies can significantly impact an applicant's chances of securing admission. 

This comprehensive guide will explore the top ten reservations required for NEET admission, shedding light on their eligibility criteria, benefits, and implications.

1. Scheduled Castes (SC)

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC) are eligible for reservation under this category. 

The identification is based on the list of Scheduled Castes specified in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, and subsequent amendments.


The SC category reservation accounts for 15% of the total seats in medical and dental colleges. 

This reservation helps to ensure that candidates from historically marginalized communities have equitable access to education and opportunities in the medical field.


SC candidates often benefit from lower cut-off scores compared to the general category, which can significantly increase their chances of admission. 

Additionally, there are numerous scholarships and financial aids available for SC students to support their education.

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 2. Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates who belong to Scheduled Tribes (ST) are eligible for this reservation. 

The list of Scheduled Tribes is specified in the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, and its subsequent amendments.


The ST category reservation is set at 7.5% of the total seats in medical and dental colleges. 

This policy aims to promote the inclusion of students from tribal communities in higher education, particularly in professional courses like medicine.


ST candidates benefit from lower cut-off scores and preferential treatment in the admission process. 

Like SC candidates, ST students can also avail of various scholarships and financial aid programs designed to support their educational journey.

3. Other Backward Classes (OBC)

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates from the Other Backward Classes (OBC) who fall under the Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) are eligible for this reservation. 

The identification of OBCs is based on the central list of OBCs notified by the Government of India.


The OBC (NCL) reservation accounts for 27% of the total seats in NEET. 

This reservation is intended to ensure that socially and educationally disadvantaged groups have better access to medical education.


OBC (NCL) candidates have lower cut-off scores compared to the general category, improving their chances of securing admission. 

There are also various scholarships and financial support schemes available for OBC students.

4. Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates who do not fall under the SC, ST, or OBC categories and have an annual family income of less than ₹8 lakhs are eligible for the EWS reservation. 

The criteria exclude families owning agricultural land of 5 acres or more, residential flats of 1000 square feet and above, residential plots of 100 square yards and above in notified municipalities, and residential plots of 200 square yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.


The EWS reservation accounts for 10% of the total seats. 

This relatively new reservation policy aims to support candidates from economically weaker sections of society who are not covered under other reservation categories.


EWS candidates benefit from reservation without the necessity of belonging to a specific caste or community, provided they meet the economic criteria. 

This reservation offers them an edge in the highly competitive NEET examination.

5. Persons with Disabilities (PwD)

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates with a specified degree of disability (40% or more) as certified by a competent medical authority are eligible for the PwD reservation. 

Disabilities include physical disabilities, visual impairments, hearing impairments, and other specified conditions.


The PwD reservation is 5% of the total seats across all categories (General, SC, ST, OBC, and EWS). 

This reservation ensures that differently-abled candidates have fair access to medical education.


PwD candidates receive accommodations such as extended exam time and assistive devices during the NEET exam. 

They also benefit from relaxed cut-off scores, enhancing their chances of admission.

6. State Quota

Eligibility Criteria:

State quota reservations vary by state but generally apply to candidates who are domiciled in the respective states. 

Each state has its own rules and policies regarding the percentage of seats reserved and the criteria for domicile.


Typically, 85% of the seats in state-run medical and dental colleges are reserved under the state quota. 

This reservation ensures that candidates from the state have preferential access to educational opportunities within their home state.


Candidates benefit from the state quota by competing within a smaller pool of applicants, often resulting in lower cut-off scores compared to the all-India quota. 

This reservation also helps in retaining medical professionals within the state.

7. All India Quota (AIQ)

Eligibility Criteria:

The All India Quota (AIQ) applies to all candidates who appear for the NEET examination. 

It encompasses 15% of the total seats in government medical and dental colleges across India, excluding Jammu and Kashmir, which does not participate in the AIQ scheme.


The AIQ provides a nationwide pool of seats that are open to candidates from any state, ensuring a diverse mix of students in medical colleges. 

This system promotes merit-based admissions on a national level.


Candidates competing under the AIQ often face higher cut-off scores due to the larger pool of applicants. 

However, it provides an opportunity for students to secure admission in states other than their domicile state.

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8. Management Quota

Eligibility Criteria:

The management quota is applicable in private medical and dental colleges. 

Candidates who do not secure admission through regular counseling can apply under this quota. 

The criteria and fees are determined by the respective institutions.


The management quota allows candidates to secure admission based on criteria set by the institution, which often includes higher fees but lower academic requirements compared to the merit-based seats.


While the management quota can be a more expensive route, it provides an alternative pathway for candidates who may not meet the cut-off scores for other categories. 

This reservation is crucial for private colleges to maintain financial stability.

 9. NRI Quota

Eligibility Criteria:

Non-Resident Indian (NRI) candidates and Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) are eligible for this quota. 

Candidates must provide proof of their NRI or OCI status as specified by the institution.


The NRI quota typically reserves a certain percentage of seats in private medical and dental colleges for NRI and OCI candidates. 

This reservation often comes with higher tuition fees but offers a route for NRIs to pursue medical education in India.


The NRI quota provides an opportunity for students living abroad to study in India. 

It helps institutions generate additional revenue, which can be used to improve facilities and resources.

10. Institutional Quota

Eligibility Criteria:

This quota is specific to certain institutions and includes reservations for in-service candidates (such as government employees), alumni wards, and other special categories as defined by the institution.


Institutional quotas provide a reserved number of seats for candidates associated with the institution in specific capacities. 

This can include staff wards, alumni wards, and candidates with service bonds.


Candidates benefit from institutional quotas by having an additional pathway to secure admission. 

This type of reservation supports the institution’s community and acknowledges contributions made by employees and alumni.


Understanding the various reservations available for NEET admission is crucial for candidates aspiring to join medical and dental colleges in India. 

Each reservation category has its own eligibility criteria, benefits, and implications, which can significantly influence a candidate’s admission prospects.

Reservations like SC, ST, OBC, and EWS aim to provide equitable opportunities to historically marginalized and economically weaker sections of society. 

The PwD reservation ensures inclusion for differently-abled candidates, while state and all-India quotas balance regional and national interests.

Management and NRI quotas offer alternative pathways for those who may not meet merit-based criteria, albeit with higher financial commitments. 

Institutional quotas provide specific benefits to associated communities, fostering loyalty and support for the institutions.

By navigating these reservations effectively, candidates can enhance their chances of securing a coveted seat in a medical or dental college. 

This comprehensive understanding of NEET reservation policies is a vital tool for aspirants to strategically plan their preparation and application process.

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