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Friday, June 21, 2024

What are the Merits and Demerits of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) in Elections?

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What are the Merits and Demerits of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) in Elections?


Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have revolutionized the electoral process in many countries by streamlining voting, ensuring greater accuracy, and providing faster results. 

However, like any technological advancement, they come with their own set of challenges and criticisms. 

In this article, we will explore the top ten merits and demerits of using EVMs in elections.

Merits of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)

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1. Speed and Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of EVMs is the speed with which votes can be cast and counted. 

Traditional paper ballots require manual counting, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. 

EVMs automate this process, allowing for quick and accurate tallying of votes, leading to faster election results. 

This efficiency can be particularly beneficial in large elections where millions of votes are cast.

2. Reduction of Human Error

EVMs minimize the risk of human error in the voting and counting process. 

In traditional paper-based systems, mistakes can occur at various stages, from marking ballots incorrectly to errors in tallying. 

EVMs eliminate these issues by providing a straightforward interface for voters and automated vote counting. 

This ensures that the final count is accurate and reliable.

3. Improved Voter Accessibility

EVMs can be designed to accommodate various needs, making the voting process more accessible to people with disabilities. 

Features such as audio instructions for the visually impaired, easily navigable interfaces for those with mobility issues, and other assistive technologies ensure that more people can participate in the electoral process.


In the long run, EVMs can be more cost-effective than traditional paper ballot systems. 

Although the initial investment in EVM technology may be high, the savings on paper, printing, and labor costs associated with manual counting can be substantial. 

Additionally, the durability and reusability of EVMs mean that they can be used for multiple election cycles.

5. Enhanced Security Measures

EVMs can incorporate advanced security features to prevent tampering and fraud. 

These measures include encryption, secure access controls, and audit trails that ensure the integrity of the voting process. 

Additionally, EVMs can be designed to operate independently of network connections, reducing the risk of cyber-attacks.

6. Environmentally Friendly

EVMs reduce the need for paper ballots, which has a positive environmental impact. 

By minimizing the use of paper and associated materials, EVMs help conserve natural resources and reduce waste. 

This eco-friendly aspect is becoming increasingly important in a world that is more conscious of environmental sustainability.

7. Elimination of Invalid Votes

With traditional paper ballots, voters may inadvertently spoil their ballots by making unclear marks or selecting more candidates than allowed. 

EVMs prevent such issues by guiding voters through the process and ensuring that only valid votes are cast. 

This leads to a more accurate representation of voter intent and reduces the number of discarded ballots.

8. Facilitates Remote Voting

In some cases, EVMs can enable remote voting, making it easier for expatriates, military personnel, and others who cannot physically visit polling stations to participate in elections. 

This expands the electorate and ensures that more citizens have the opportunity to vote, regardless of their location.

9. Transparency and Accountability

EVMs can enhance transparency and accountability in the electoral process. 

By providing a clear and auditable trail of votes, EVMs allow for thorough verification of election results. 

This transparency can help build trust in the electoral system and ensure that election outcomes are accepted by the public.

10. Promotion of Modernization

The adoption of EVMs signals a commitment to modernization and technological advancement. 

By embracing cutting-edge technology, electoral bodies demonstrate their willingness to innovate and improve the voting process. 

This can lead to increased public confidence in the electoral system and encourage further technological developments.

Demerits of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)

1. Vulnerability to Hacking and Tampering

One of the most significant concerns regarding EVMs is their potential vulnerability to hacking and tampering. 

Although EVMs can incorporate advanced security measures, no system is entirely immune to cyber threats. 

If malicious actors manage to breach the system, they could alter vote counts or compromise the integrity of the election.

2.Technical Malfunctions

EVMs, like any electronic device, are susceptible to technical malfunctions. 

Issues such as software glitches, hardware failures, or power outages can disrupt the voting process and lead to delays or inaccuracies in vote counting. 

Ensuring the reliability and robustness of EVMs is crucial to preventing such problems.

3.High Initial Costs

The initial investment required to implement EVMs can be substantial. 

This includes the cost of purchasing the machines, developing secure software, and training election officials and staff. 

For countries with limited financial resources, this high upfront cost can be a significant barrier to adopting EVM technology.

 4. Lack of a Paper Trail

Some EVMs do not provide a paper trail or physical record of votes cast. 

This can be a disadvantage in the event of a dispute or recount, as there may be no way to independently verify the electronic results. 

To address this issue, some jurisdictions have implemented Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs) alongside EVMs.

5. Complexity for Voters and Officials

While EVMs are designed to simplify the voting process, they can also introduce complexity, particularly for voters who are not technologically savvy. 

Elderly voters or those with limited experience with electronic devices may find EVMs challenging to use. 

Additionally, election officials and poll workers require thorough training to operate and manage EVMs effectively.

6. Public Trust and Perception

Public trust in the electoral process is paramount, and any doubts about the reliability of EVMs can undermine this trust. 

Concerns about hacking, tampering, and technical malfunctions can lead to skepticism and decreased confidence in election outcomes. 

Building and maintaining public trust in EVMs is essential for their successful implementation.

7. Dependence on Technology

EVMs create a dependence on technology that can be problematic in certain situations. 

For example, in areas with limited infrastructure or unreliable power supplies, relying on electronic voting machines may not be feasible. 

Additionally, technological dependence means that any widespread technical issues could have a significant impact on the election.

8. Limited Accessibility in Remote Areas

While EVMs can improve accessibility for some voters, they may pose challenges in remote or rural areas where infrastructure is lacking. 

Transporting and setting up EVMs in such locations can be logistically difficult and expensive. 

Ensuring that all voters have equal access to EVMs is a critical consideration for election authorities.

9. Potential for Reduced Voter Privacy

In some cases, the use of EVMs can lead to concerns about voter privacy. 

For instance, if the layout of the voting area is not well-designed, it may be possible for others to see how a voter is casting their ballot. 

Maintaining the confidentiality of the voting process is essential to ensuring free and fair elections.

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10. Challenges in Verification and Auditing

While EVMs can enhance transparency, they can also complicate the verification and auditing process. 

Ensuring that electronic results can be independently verified and audited requires robust systems and procedures. 

If these are not in place, it can be challenging to resolve disputes or verify the accuracy of election outcomes.


Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) offer numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, reduced human error, improved accessibility, and enhanced security. 

They represent a significant advancement in the electoral process and can contribute to more accurate and timely election results. 

However, EVMs also present several challenges, such as vulnerability to hacking, technical malfunctions, high initial costs, and concerns about public trust and privacy.

To maximize the benefits and mitigate the drawbacks of EVMs, it is essential to implement comprehensive security measures, provide thorough training for election officials, and ensure that robust verification and auditing procedures are in place. 

By addressing these challenges, election authorities can harness the potential of EVMs to improve the integrity and efficiency of the voting process.

As technology continues to evolve, the design and implementation of EVMs will also need to adapt to new threats and opportunities. 

Ongoing research, innovation, and collaboration among stakeholders will be crucial to ensuring that EVMs remain a reliable and effective tool for conducting elections. 

Ultimately, the successful integration of EVMs into the electoral process will depend on striking a balance between leveraging technological advancements and addressing the inherent challenges they present.

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