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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Top 20 physical exercises necessary for every student to stay fit.

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Top 20 Physical Exercises Necessary for Every Student to Stay Fit


In today's sedentary world dominated by technology and desk-bound activities, it is crucial for students to engage in regular physical exercise to maintain their overall health and well-being. 

Physical activity not only helps students stay fit but also enhances cognitive function, promotes emotional well-being, and reduces stress levels. 

This comprehensive guide will outline the top 20 physical exercises that every student should incorporate into their daily routine.

1. Jogging/Running:

Jogging or running is a simple and effective cardio exercise that can be done outdoors or on a treadmill. 

It helps improve heart health, boosts metabolism, enhances stamina, and increases lung capacity. 

Students can start with a 10-minute jog and gradually increase the duration and intensity as they build their fitness levels.

2. Skipping:

Skipping is a classic exercise that requires minimal space and equipment. It improves cardiovascular health, coordination, and strengthens leg muscles. 

Students can start with shorter sets and gradually increase the intensity and duration of skipping sessions.

3. Cycling:

Cycling is not only a great way to commute but also an excellent cardiovascular exercise. 

Riding a bicycle helps strengthen leg muscles, improves balance, and enhances overall fitness. 

Encourage students to cycle to school or explore nearby trails on the weekends.

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4. Jumping Jacks:

Jumping jacks are a fun and effective full-body exercise that can be done anywhere. 

They help in improving cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and overall body flexibility. 

Students can begin with a few sets and gradually increase the repetitions.

5. Squats:

Squats are compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

Regular squatting improves lower body strength and helps in maintaining proper posture. 

Students should focus on proper form and start with bodyweight squats before progressing to weighted squats.

6. Push-ups:

Push-ups are a classic exercise that strengthens the upper body, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

They can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them suitable for students of all abilities. 

Students can start with knee push-ups and gradually progress to the standard push-up position.

7. Planks:

Planks are excellent for core strength and stability. 

They engage the abdominal muscles, lower back, and shoulders. 

Encourage students to hold a plank position for as long as they comfortably can and gradually increase the duration.

8. Lunges:

Lunges primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, offering an effective lower body workout. 

Students should focus on maintaining proper form and start with bodyweight lunges before progressing to weighted lunges.

9. Jump Squats:

Jump squats are a variation of squats that adds an element of plyometric training. 

They increase explosive power, leg strength, and cardiovascular endurance. Students can start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the intensity.

10. Mountain Climbers:

Mountain climbers are a dynamic exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, and legs. 

They improve cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and promote calorie burning. 

Students can incorporate mountain climbers into their high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts.

11. Burpees:

Burpees are a full-body exercise that involves combining a squat, push-up, and jump. 

They provide a high-intensity workout, targeting multiple muscle groups and improving cardiovascular fitness. 

Students can start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the intensity.

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12. Jump Rope:

Jump rope is a versatile exercise that can be done both indoors and outdoors. 

It improves cardiovascular health, coordination, and leg strength. 

Students can increase the difficulty level by incorporating different skipping techniques or double .

13. Yoga:

Yoga is a holistic practice that promotes physical fitness, flexibility, and mental well-being. 

It helps reduce stress and anxiety levels while improving balance, strength, and focus. 

Encourage students to attend yoga classes or follow online tutorials for guided practice.

14. High Knees:

High knees are a dynamic exercise that targets the leg muscles while also improving cardiovascular endurance. 

They can be performed in place or while jogging. Students should aim to bring their knees as high as possible while maintaining a quick pace.

15. Tricep Dips:

Tricep dips target the triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles. 

They help strengthen the upper body and can be done using a chair or a dip bar. 

Students should avoid letting their shoulders hunch, keep their back close to the bench, and focus on engaging the triceps.

16. Plank Jacks:

Plank jacks are a variation of planks that adds an element of cardiovascular exercise. 

They engage the core, arms, and legs while improving overall stability and endurance. 

Students can start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the intensity.

17. Sit-ups:

Sit-ups are excellent for strengthening the abdominal muscles. 

Students should avoid straining their neck and focus on engaging their core while performing this exercise. 

Gradually increasing repetitions and incorporating variations such as Russian twists can enhance the challenge.

18. Standing Toe Touches:

Standing toe touches stretch the hamstrings, lower back, and calf muscles. 

They improve flexibility, promote good posture, and may help prevent lower back pain. 

Students should avoid bouncing and aim to touch their toes with a straight back.

19. Side Planks:

Side planks help strengthen the obliques, lower back, and shoulders. 

They improve core stability and can be done on the forearm or with an extended arm. 

Students should start with shorter durations and gradually increase the time as they build their strength.

20. Wall Sits:

Wall sits are a simple but effective exercise for strengthening the quadriceps and glutes. 

Students should press their back against the wall while sliding down until their thighs are parallel to the ground. 

Holding this position for an extended period challenges the leg muscles.


Incorporating regular physical exercise into the daily routine of every student is crucial for their overall health and well-being. 

The top 20 exercises outlined in this guide provide a comprehensive range of movements to target various muscle groups, improve cardiovascular fitness, and enhance flexibility. 

Encourage students to engage in these activities regularly and gradually increase the intensity and duration as their fitness levels improve. 

Remember, staying fit and physically active not only benefits the body but also has a positive impact on cognitive function and emotional well-being.

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