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Friday, October 13, 2023

Top 20 organizations in India offering placements to social science students.

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Top 20 Organizations in India Offering Placements to Social Science Students


India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions, making it a treasure trove for social science students seeking to explore and understand the intricacies of society. 

With a growing emphasis on social issues and development, several organizations in India are actively working towards creating a better society.

In this article, we will explore the top 20 organizations in India that offer placements and career opportunities to social science students. 

These organizations play a crucial role in driving social change, fostering inclusivity, and addressing pressing societal challenges. Let's dive into the list:

1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS):

TISS is a well-known educational institution offering graduate and postgraduate programs in social sciences. 

It provides excellent career prospects and placement opportunities for social science students, including roles in NGOs, corporate social responsibility, and government agencies.

2. National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR):

NIRDPR is an autonomous organization that focuses on rural development and grassroots governance. 

It offers placements and internships to social science students, with a focus on research, training, and policy advocacy related to rural development.

3. Pratham Education Foundation:

Pratham is a non-governmental organization working towards transforming education in India. 

They provide opportunities for social science students, including research, program implementation, and policy advocacy in the field of education.

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4. Centre for Social Justice (CSJ):

CSJ is a research and advocacy organization working towards a socially just society. 

It provides internships and placement opportunities to social science students interested in working on issues related to human rights, justice, and inequality.

5. Centre for Civil Society (CCS):

CCS is a think-tank focused on advancing the cause of individual freedom and liberty. 

They offer internships and placements to social science students, particularly in the areas of public policy, education, and entrepreneurship.

6. ActionAid India:

ActionAid India is an international non-profit organization working towards poverty eradication, social justice, and gender equality. 

They offer internship and placement opportunities across various domains, including research, advocacy, and program implementation.

7. Oxfam India:

Oxfam India is a leading organization working on issues of poverty, inequality, and social injustice. 

They offer placements and internships to social science students in areas such as research, communications, campaigns, and program implementation.

8. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):

The NHRC is a statutory body responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights in India. 

They provide internships and placement opportunities to social science students interested in working on human rights issues.

9. Teach For India:

Teach For India is a movement to eliminate educational inequity in the country. 

They offer placements and internships to social science students who are passionate about education and social impact.

10. PRS <amp-ad width="100vw" height="320"






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</amp-ad> Research:

PRS Legislative Research is an organization that provides research support to lawmakers in India. 

They offer internships and placement opportunities to social science students interested in policy research and analysis.

11. Child Rights and You (CRY):

CRY is a non-profit organization that works towards ensuring the rights of underprivileged children. 

They provide internships and career opportunities to social science students interested in child rights, advocacy, and program implementation.

12. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India:

UNDP India focuses on sustainable development, poverty reduction, and inclusive growth. 

They offer internships and placement opportunities for social science students across various thematic areas such as governance, environment, and gender equality.

13. Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national-level development organization working towards the welfare of underprivileged children and youth. 

They offer internships and placements in areas such as education, healthcare, and livelihood development.

14. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR):

ICSSR is an autonomous organization that promotes and funds research in the social sciences. 

They provide research grants, fellowships, and internships to social science students interested in conducting research in various social science disciplines.

15. Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS):

CSDS is a premier research organization focused on understanding and analyzing political and social dynamics in India. 

They offer internships and placement opportunities to social science students interested in research and analysis of Indian society and politics.

16. Dasra:

Dasra is a strategic philanthropic organization working towards creating social change. 

They offer internships and placements to social science students interested in philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and strategic giving.


PRADAN is a non-profit organization working towards empowering marginalized communities. 

They offer internships and placements to social science students who are passionate about rural development, women empowerment, and livelihood enhancement.

18. Indian Social Service Institute (ISSI):

ISSI is an organization that offers training programs and courses in social work and development studies. 

They provide placement support to social science students and professionals in various development and social work organizations.

19. Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP):

AKRSP is an organization that focuses on rural development and poverty alleviation. 

They offer placements and internships to social science students interested in working on rural development projects and livelihood enhancement.

20. Azim Premji Foundation:

Azim Premji Foundation is a non-profit organization working towards improving the quality of education in India. 

They offer internships and placements to social science students interested in education research, teacher training, and education policy.


These top 20 organizations in India offer a wide range of opportunities for social science students who are passionate about creating a positive impact on society. 

Whether it is in the field of education, rural development, human rights, or policy research, these organizations provide a platform for students to contribute effectively to social change. 

By joining them, social science students can gain valuable experience, apply their knowledge, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of people across the country.

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