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Monday, September 18, 2023

Top ten educational institutes in foreign countries that worship goddess Ganesh puja in their campus.

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Top Ten Educational Institutes in Foreign Countries that Worship Goddess Ganesh Puja in Their Campuses


Goddess Ganesh, also known as the remover of obstacles, is revered and worshiped in Hinduism. 

The celebration of Ganesh Puja is an important cultural event in various parts of the world. 

In this article, we will explore the top ten educational institutions located in foreign countries that embrace this vibrant Hindu festival and conduct Ganesh Puja within their campuses. 

These <amp-auto-ads type="adsense"


</amp-auto-ads> provide a unique blend of education and cultural enrichment, making them ideal choices for students seeking a diverse and spiritually fulfilling academic experience.

1. University of California, Berkeley - United States:

The University of California, Berkeley is known for its inclusive and multicultural environment. 

Ganesh Puja, organized by the Berkeley Hindu Students Council, is one of the most prominent religious events on campus. 

During this puja, students come together to offer prayers and seek blessings from Lord Ganesh. 

The event incorporates traditional rituals, bhajans (devotional songs), and  (blessed food), fostering a sense of connection with Indian culture and spirituality.

2. University of Toronto - Canada:

The University of Toronto, renowned for its academic excellence, also celebrates Ganesh Puja with great enthusiasm. 

The South<amp-ad width="100vw" height="320"






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</amp-ad> Asian Student Association organizes this event to worship Lord Ganesh. 

This celebration not only provides a platform to connect with spiritual traditions but also serves as a space for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and appreciation among students.

3. University of Sydney - Australia:

Students at the University of Sydney have embraced the multicultural spirit by celebrating Ganesh Puja on campus. 

The Sydney University Hindu Society orchestrates this event, inviting students from various ethnic backgrounds to participate. 

The puja includes traditional rituals, dances, music, and aarti (devotional prayer) dedicated to Lord Ganesh. 

This celebration showcases the cultural diversity present within the university community, promoting tolerance and cross-cultural understanding.

4. University of Manchester - United Kingdom:

The University of Manchester houses a vibrant Indian community, which actively engages in celebrating Ganesh Puja annually. 

The Manchester Indian Society organizes this event, aiming to connect students with their religious and cultural roots. 

The puja involves devotees offering prayers to Lord Ganesh, followed by bhajans, performances, and distribution of . 

The event encourages students to celebrate their heritage and promotes intercultural dialogue among the diverse student body.

5. National University of Singapore - Singapore:

Ganesh Puja has become an integral part of the cultural calendar at the National University of Singapore (NUS). 

The NUS Hindu Society plays a pivotal role in organizing this celebration, which attracts participants from various nationalities and faiths. 

The puja features traditional rituals, cultural performances, and an opportunity for students to engage in spiritual practices. 

By promoting inclusivity and interfaith harmony, this event highlights NUS's commitment to diversity and cultural exchange.

6. University of Auckland - New Zealand:

The University of Auckland holds a deep appreciation for different cultures, with Ganesh Puja serving as a significant event on campus. 

Organized by the Auckland Indian Students Association, this celebration brings together students from diverse cultural backgrounds. 

The puja represents a confluence of spiritual worship, cultural performances, and social bonding. 

By observing Ganesh Puja, the university fosters a sense of acceptance, unity, and respect for Hindu traditions.

7. McGill University - Canada:

At McGill University, located in Montreal, Canada, the Hindu Student Society actively promotes Ganesh Puja. 

This event creates an atmosphere of spirituality and camaraderie among students. 

The puja is followed by cultural performances, traditional dances, and a community feast, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for Hindu beliefs and practices.

8. University of Melbourne - Australia:

The University of Melbourne showcases its commitment to diversity and inclusivity by organizing Ganesh Puja within its campus. 

The Melbourne University Indian Club spearheads this event, inviting students from various cultural backgrounds to celebrate Lord Ganesh. 

The puja features religious rituals, devotional songs, and cultural performances, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of Hinduism while fostering cross-cultural connections.

9. University of Oxford - United Kingdom:

The University of Oxford, renowned for academic excellence and cultural heritage, recognizes the significance of Ganesh Puja. 

The Oxford University Hindu Society organizes this event, bringing together students and faculty from diverse backgrounds. 

The puja includes traditional rituals, chanting of hymns, and cultural performances, providing a spiritual and cultural experience amidst this prestigious academic institution.

10. University of British Columbia - Canada:

The University of British Columbia (UBC), located in Vancouver, Canada, embraces diversity and inclusivity by celebrating Ganesh Puja on its campus. 

Organized by the Hindu Students Association of UBC, this celebration attracts students from various cultural backgrounds who come together to worship Lord Ganesh, participate in rituals, enjoy cultural performances, and share a sense of community.


These top ten educational institutions located across the globe exemplify the spirit of multiculturalism and religious tolerance by embracing the celebration of Ganesh Puja on their campuses. 

These events not only strengthen the cultural bond among students but also provide an opportunity to learn, appreciate, and experience Hindu traditions firsthand. 

By integrating spirituality and cultural diversity into their educational offerings, these institutes offer students a unique and holistic experience that goes beyond academic excellence.

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