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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Salary and facilities provided to ISRO scientists by Central government.

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Salary and Facilities Provided to ISRO Scientists by the Central Government


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plays a crucial role in advancing India's space exploration and satellite programs. 

ISRO scientists are at the forefront of innovation and technological advancements in the field of space research. 

In recognition of their invaluable contributions, the central government of India provides competitive salaries and comprehensive facilities to the scientists working at ISRO. 

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This article aims to explore the salary structure for ISRO scientists and shed light on the facilities provided by the government.

Salary Structure for ISRO Scientists:

The salary structure for ISRO scientists is designed to attract and retain top talent in the field of aerospace and space research. 

It is structured as per the recommendations set by the 7th Pay Commission, which takes into account factors such as qualification, experience, and rank. 

ISRO scientists fall under the Central Government's General Central Service (Group A) category.

The initial basic pay for a scientist/engineer at ISRO is in the pay level 10 of the 7th Pay Commission, with a minimum annual basic pay of INR 56,100. 

As they progress in their careers, ISRO scientists can get promoted to higher pay levels with increased responsibilities and experience. 

The pay scale keeps them competitive with their counterparts in similar research organizations worldwide.

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</amp-ad> basic pay, ISRO scientists receive several allowances, including dearness allowance, house rent allowance, and transport allowance. 

These allowances are designed to provide financial support for living expenses, housing, and commuting. 

The amount of these allowances depends on various factors, such as the location of the headquarters and the basic pay of the scientist.

Benefits and Facilities Provided:

1. Housing Facilities: 

ISRO scientists are eligible for government housing accommodation or a house rent allowance, depending on their choice and availability. 

The accommodation provided is generally of high quality and offers a comfortable living standard.

2. Medical Facilities: 

ISRO scientists and their families are entitled to comprehensive medical benefits. 

They are providing access to quality healthcare services in government empanelled hospitals and clinics. 

This includes coverage for hospitalization, outpatient consultations, and essential medications.

3. Leave and Vacation: 

ISRO scientists enjoy a generous leave policy, including earned leave, casual leave, and medical leave. 

They also have the opportunity to take extended leaves like study leave for pursuing higher studies and sabbatical leave for research purposes to enhance their professional growth.

4. Pension and Retirement Benefits: 

ISRO scientists are entitled to a pension under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 

Upon retirement, they receive a monthly pension based on their years of service and the average emoluments earned during their tenure.

5. Research and Development Support: 

The central government provides ample opportunities for ISRO scientists to engage in research and development activities. 

Financial grants, access to state-of-the-art laboratories, and collaborations with national and international institutions are provided to encourage scientific research and innovation.

6. Education and Children's Welfare: 

The central government provides provisions for education and children's welfare. ISRO scientists receive reimbursement for tuition fees for their children's education. 

Additionally, there are scholarships and other educational benefits available to their dependents.


ISRO scientists, as key contributors to India's space exploration endeavors, are well-compensated and provided with a range of benefits and facilities by the central government. 

The salary structure, allowances, and comprehensive facilities offered ensure that ISRO scientists can focus on pushing the boundaries of space research and technological innovation. 

This recognition and support from the government further motivate scientists to excel in their field and contribute to the nation's growth and development in the realm of space exploration.

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