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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Importance of reforming the UN multilateral system.

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Importance of reforming the UN multilateral system.

    Prime minister Narendra Modi reiterated the importance of reforming the UN multilateral system, including the Security council,so as to truly reflect contemporary geopolitical realities in a meeting held with UNGA president Csaba Korosi.

     Korosi is in India for his first bilateral visit as the chief of the 77th session of the General Assembly.He called on Modi and also met foreign minister S Jaishankar.On the issue of UNSC reforms, Korosi came out openly against the five permanent members — China, France, Russia,UK and the US—- for dragging their feet while supporting India's position.He also appreciated India's recent role as a non-permanent member in the Security Council.

      Korosi also said that he had high hopes from India's G20 presidency,not least to protect the interests of the Global South.

      The government said in a statement that Korosi lauded India's transformational initiatives for communities, including in the area of water resources management and conservation."Acknowledging India's efforts towards reformed multilateralism,Mr Korosi underscored the importance of India being at the forefront of efforts to reform global institutions," it said.Modi thanked Korosi for making India his first bilateral visit since assuming office and appreciated Korosi's approach based on science and technology to find solutions to global problems.

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       At a media briefing, the UNGA president described the meetings as "very good" and said the Focus was on what could be India's role."The level of support and understanding, the level of strategic resonance, exceeded all my expectations,"he said.

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    To question, Korosi said the issue of cross-border terrorism was not on the agenda of the discussion but he was aware of its significance.

    Korosi said the Ukraine war figured in his talks with Jaishankar, adding it is one of the issues that reinforced why there is a need for reform of the UNSC.

   He said India has done a lot to advance both the Security Council reform and was very active in all Ukraine related issues."I nominated two new co-chairs for the intergovernmental negotiations that are responsible to deal with reform of the Council and the negotiations are just about to start," the top diplomat said.

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